Our Covenant of Right Relations

Inspired by the seven Unitarian Universalist Principles, we promise to:

  • Nurture a diverse and welcoming congregation by being respectful, friendly, and welcoming to all members, friends, visitors, and staff.
  • Engage and contribute to the life of the congregation by connecting with its programs and governance, and by caring for our shared spaces.
  • Trust that others’ behavior is driven by good intentions.
  • Practice direct communication by actively listening to and speaking with individuals, not about them, in an honest and compassionate way.
  • Seek to resolve conflicts and make amends through intentional compromise and when necessary, request facilitation and mediation.

By intentionally encouraging and growing healthy relationships within the congregation, we are empowered to live our values in the broader community.

This covenant is a living document that will evolve as we evolve. We will do our best to abide by this covenant.